GE Vol.15 (2), June 2022

Historicising Entanglements: Science, Technology and Socio-Ecological Change in the Postcolonial Anthropocene
Historicising Entanglements: Science, Technology and Socio-Ecological Change in the Postcolonial Anthropocene Evelien De Hoop, Aarthi Sridhar, Claiton Marcio Da Silva, Erik Van Der Vleuten
Sustainability Knowledge Politics: Southeast Asia, Europe and the Transregional History of Palm Oil Sustainability Research Evelien De Hoop, Erik Van Der Vleuten
Bio-anthropophagy, or the Anthropocene in the Making: the Caboclo Peoples in the Construction of Modern Brazil (1889–1939) Claiton Marcio Da Silva, Claudio De Majo
The Expansion of the Railway and Environmental Changes: The Modern Configuration of the Argentine Pampas, c. 1870–1930 Ana Marcela França De Oliveira, Adrián Gustavo Zarrilli
Imagining the Nile: Knowledge–Power Nexus in the 19th Century Anthropocene Abeer R.Y. Abazeed, Yasmine Hafez
From National to Cosmopolitan Hydrocarbons Resource Space: Hydrocarbons, Transnational Politics and the State in Greece Yannis Fotopoulos, Stathis Arapostathis
Catalysing Socio-Ecological Change: The Extraction and Processing of Edible Oils, 1910–1940 Frank Veraart.
Winner of the THE SOPHIE COE PRIZE 2023 for writing on food history.
Simone Schleper, Planning for the Planet. Environmental Expertise and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources 1960–1980 Jan-Henrik Meyer
Notes from the Icehouse: Tigers, The Magic School Bus and Uncertainty Claire Campbell