NP Vol.26 (1), March 2022

Editorial Saverio Krätli

Where Is the Nomadic Family? Rigid Laws and Flexible Tundra Life in North-East Siberia Elena Khlinovskaya Rockhill, Lena Sidorova, Piers Vitebsky

Kazakh Variations for Herders and Animals in the Mongolian Altai: Methodological Contributions to the Study of Nomadic Pastoralism Charlotte Marchina, Antoine Zazzo, Nicolas Lazzerini, Aurélie Coulon, Sébastien Lepetz, Noost Bayarkhuu, Tsagaan Turbat, Camille Noûs

Case Study of a Tush Transhumance. Contemporary Challenges of a Journey across Georgia: Sociability, Contingency and Relationship to the Land Gwendoline Lemaitre

Understanding the Representation of Pastoralism in Livestock-Related Climate Adaptation Policies in Ghana and Nigeria: a Review of Key Policy Documents Jonathan H.I. Tinsley, Lovemore C. Gwiriri

Climate Change Policy Narratives and Pastoralism in Ethiopia: New Concerns, Old Arguments? Thomas Campbell

Deliberating Herders: Encouraging Democratic Deliberation in Mongolia Allison Hahn

Orhon Myadar, Mobility and Displacement: Nomadism, Identity and Postcolonial Narratives in Mongolia. Christopher Atwood

Jamie Levin (ed.), Nomad – State Relationships in International Relations: before and after Borders. Daniel J. Miller