NP Vol.23 (2), 2019

Water and Pastoralists. Social Contexts, Development in Practice and Resource

Water and Pastoralists: An Introduction Barbara Casciarri, Francesco Staro

Pipe Dreams: Water, Development and the Work of the Imagination in Ethiopia’s Lower Omo Valley David-Paul Pertaub, Edward G.J. Stevenson

Pastoralists Without Pasture: Water Scarcity, Marketisation and Resource Enclosures in Kutch, India Lyla Mehta, Shilpi Srivastava

Transforming Labour and Technology of the Ancient Tula Wells for Watering Livestock in Borana, Ethiopia Waktole Tiki, Gufu Oba

Negotiating Water on Unequal Terms: Cattle Loans, Dependencies and Power in Communal Water Management in Northwest Namibia Diego A. Menestrey Schwieger

Herders’ Water Practices and Conflicts in a Palestinian Village (W Dī Fūkīn, West Bank) Anita De Donato

The Ecological, Socio-Economic and Political Constraints on Pastoralists’ Access to Water, Blue Nile State (Sudan) Ibrahim Mustafa Mohammed Ali

Eau et Pâturages Au Niger: Conflits, Marchandisation et Modes de Gouvernance Jean-Pierre Olivier De Sardan, Abdoulaye Mohamadou

Konstantina Isidoros. Nomads and Nation Building in the Western Sahara: Gender, Politics and the Sahrawi Ariell Ahearn

Kazunobu Ikeya (ed.) Sedentarization Among Nomadic Peoples in Asia and Africa. Elliot Fratkin

Joanna Allan. Silenced Resistance: Women, Dictatorships, and Genderwashing in Western Sahara and Equatorial Guinea. Matthew Porges