EH Special Virtual Issue

Natures In Between
Introduction by Karen Jones
Commentary by Marco Armiero, Chair of the 2017 ESEH Programme Committee
Commentary by Dolly Jørgensen, President of ESEH
In Our Own Image: the Environment and Society as Global Discourse MICHAEL REDCLIFT
Environment and History 1(1995): 111-123
The Two Cultures Revisited: Environmental History and the Environmental Sciences DONALD WORSTER
Environment and History 2(1996): 3-14
Gender and Environmental History: From Representation of Women and Nature to Gender Analysis of Ecology and Politics MELISSA LEACH AND CATHY GREEN
Environment and History 3(1997): 343-370
Environmental History and the Challenges of Interdisciplinarity: An Antipodean Perspective ERIC PAWSON AND STEPHEN DOVERS
Environment and History 9(2003): 53-75
Weeds, People and Contested Places NEIL CLAYTON
Environment and History 9(2003): 301-331
Selling the Space Age: NASA and Earth’s Environment, 1958–1990 KIM MCQUAID
Environment and History 12(2006): 127-163
Out of the Woods and into the Lab: Exploring the Strange Marriage of American Woodcraft and Soviet Ecology in Czech Environmentalism PETR JEHLIČKA AND JOE SMITH
Environment and History 13(2007): 187-210
Riding the Tide: Indigenous Knowledge, History and Water in a Changing Australia HEATHER GOODALL
Environment and History 14(2008): 355-84
Landscape and Ambience on the Urban Fringe: From Agricultural to Imagined Countryside JOSEPH GODDARD
Environment and History 15 (2009): 413-439
Uncertain Environments: Natural Hazards, Risk and Insurance in Historical Perspective UWE LÜBKEN and CHRISTOF MAUCH
Environment and History 17 (2011): 1-12
Endangered Species and Threatened Landscapes in Appalachia: Managing the Wild and the Human in the American Mountain South DREW A. SWANSON
Environment and History 18 (2012): 35-60
Renarrating a Biological Invasion: Historical Memory, Local Communities and Ecologists KAREN MIDDLETON Environment and History 18 (2012): 61-95
The Aesthetics of the Volga and National Narratives in Russia DOROTHY ZEISLER-VRALSTED
Environment and History 20 (2014): 93-122
Borderland, No-Man’s Land, Nature’s Wonderland: Troubled Humanity and Untroubled Earth PETER COATES
Environment and History 20 (2014): 499-516
Engineering Edens on this ‘Rivered Earth’? A Review Article on Water Management and Hydro-Resilience in the British Empire, 1860s–1940s JAMES BEATTIE AND RUTH MORGAN
Environment and History 23 (2017): 39–63