Themes in Environmental History, 1.

Compiled by Sarah Johnson
Bio-invaders investigates the rhetoric and realities of exotic, introduced and ‘alien’ species. The book comprises a number of general essays, exploring and challenging common perceptions about such species, and a series of case studies of specific species in specific contexts. Its geographical coverage ranges from the United Kingdom to New Zealand by way of South Africa, India and Palestine; and the essays cover both historical and recent introductions.
Now also available as a Kindle ebook |
‘this collection demonstrates that bioinvasion, nativism and associated biosecurity responses are emblematic issues for the twenty-first century’
Kezia Barker in Environmental Values
Publisher’s Introduction
Sarah Johnson
Strangers in a Strange Land: The Problem of Exotic Species
Mark Woods and Paul Veatch Moriarty
Nativism and Nature: Rethinking Biological Invasion
Jonah H. Peretti
Exotic Species, Naturalisation, and Biological Nativism
Ned Hettinger
Plant Transfers in Historical Perspective
William Beinart and Karen Middleton
Weeds, People and Contested Places
Neil Clayton
Re-writing the History of Australian Tropical Rainforests: ‘Alien Invasives’ or ‘Ancient Indigenes’?
Rachel Sanderson
Prehistory of Southern African Forestry: From Vegetable Garden to Tree Plantation
Kate B. Showers
Rhododendron ponticum in Britain and Ireland: Social, Economic and Ecological Factors in its Successful Invasion
Katharina Dehnen-Schmutz and Mark Williamson
Fighting With a Weed: Water Hyacinth and the State in Colonial Bengal, c. 1910-1947
Iftekhar Iqbal
‘An Enemy of the Rabbit’: The Social Context of Acclimatisation of an Immigrant Killer
Philippa K. Wells
Motives for Introducing Species: Palestine’s Carp as a Case Study
Dan Tamir
31 July 2010, Paperback, 280pp.
ISBN 978-1-874267-55-3. £20