Global Environment
GE Vol.16 (3), October 2023

Middle Holocene Oyster Shells and the Shifting Role of History in Ecological Restoration: How a Dynamic Past Informs Shellfish Ecosystem Reconstruction at an Australian Urban Estuary Joseph Christensen, Daniel Jan Martin, Andrew Bossie, Fiona Valesini
Tsunamis in Italy and the Mediterranean – Between Perception and Historical Reconstruction Walter Palmieri
Will the Nile River Turn into a Lake? The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance (GERD) Dam Case-Study Desirée A.l. Quagliarotti
Globalising Livestock Feeding: Oilseeds and Animal Feedstuff (1800–1940) Manuel Vaquero Piñeiro
Dammed Waterways and a Colonial Legacy: Statutory Law-Making in the Conservancy of Indian Fisheries, 1867–1897 Sashi Sivramkrishna, Amalendu Jyotishi
Reflecting on our Anthropocene Days: An interview with John Dargavel Jessica Urwin
Cara New Daggett, The Birth of Energy: Fossil Fuels, Thermodynamics, and the Politics of Work Gonçalo Vizela De Oliveira
Andreas Malm, How to Blow Up a Pipeline: Learning to Fight in a World on Fire Daniele Valisena
Notes from the Icehouse: Representations, Traces, Vital Agents: Why Images Matter to Environmental History Finis Dunaway
GE Vol.16 (2), June 2023

Irritations and Unforeseen Consequences of the Urban: Debating Natures, Politics and Timescapes
Irritations and Unforeseen Consequences of the Urban: Debating Natures, Politics and Timescapes Eveline Dürr, Regine Keller, Daniel Dumas
Thinking with Urban Natures Raúl Acosta, Joseph Adeniran Adedeji, Maan Barua, Matthew Gandy, L. Sasha Gora, Kara Murphy Schlichting
Making Urban Environments: Infrastructures of Power, Resistance and Negotiation Sonja Dümpelmann, Robert R. Gioielli, Stephan Pauleit, Anindya Sinha, Kate Wright, Amy Zhang
Variations on a Theme: Temporality, Cities and the Environment Dorothee Rummel, Simone M. Müller, Karen Holmberg, Benedikt Boucsein, Avi Sharma, Talitta Reitz
The Transformation of Green Zones in Yerevan, Armenia: Domestication of Nature, Times of Ruination and the Idea of ‘New Hanging Gardens’ Heiko Conrad, Susanne Fehlings
The Genesis of an Urban Flora: New Plants, Their Conflicts and Regulations in Colombian Cities Diego Molina
On Cherishing a Beautiful Place: Epistemic Politics and Historic Heritage in a Nordic Controversy Eeva Berglund
Notes from the Icehouse: What’s in a Name? More-Than-Human Approaches and Environmental History Emily O’Gorman
Spaces of Living in Transformation: Sights, Sounds and Sensations of Munich’s River and Slaughterhouse Districts Daniel Dumas, Carolin Maertens
GE Vol.16 (1), February 2023

Abstracts of Global Environment Volume 16, Number 1
Introduction: New Geographies in Animal History Regina Horta Duarte, Sandra Swart, John Soluri
Little Grey Men? Animals and Alien Kinship Sandra Swart
The Wild Side: Hunting Guanacos in Patagonia John Soluri
Fish as a Resource and a Curiosity in International Exhibitions at the End of the Nineteenth Century Julia Lajus
Human–Animal Relations and Livestock Disease Management in Postcolonial Zimbabwe, c.1980 to 2022 Wesley Mwatwara
Intertwined Lives: Animals in Mining Disasters in Brazil Regina Horta Duarte
The Short-Lived Zebu and Beef Boom in Cuba Before the 1959 Revolution: A Socio-Environmental Approach Reinaldo Funes Monzote
Giulia Guazzaloca, Primo: non maltrattare. Storia della protezione degli animali in Italia Sabrina Schettino
Notes from the Icehouse: Mixed Methods, Dry Valleys, New Insights Stephen Chignell