Author Archives: whitehor_pubs

Rural Transitions in Post-pandemic Mongolia and Kyrgyzstan (forthcoming)

Pastoralism, Wellbeing and Economic Relations

Ariell Ahearn, Tory Sternberg, Gantulga Munkherdene and Takehiro Ozaki (eds)

Focusing on pastoral and rural communities, this volume highlights ongoing transitions in rural Central Asia. Informed by in-depth case studies from Mongolia, Buryatia and Kyrgyzstan, the essays focus on themes in contemporary pastoralism, including the adaptation and resilience of rural pastoralist livelihoods during and after the Covid-19 pandemic; healing, food and wellbeing, including an examination of rural experiences of wellbeing and the re-invention and revival of traditional foods; and economic relations, including changing spatialisation of labour spurred by mineral extraction, the role of digital media and urban-rural dynamics. The volume presents insights into contemporary human geography and anthropology of the Inner Asian region; highlights the ongoing importance of scholarship on rural places; and offers a critical lens on broader processes of change affecting the region. A collaboration between scholars spanning Japan, Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, the UK and the USA, the volume showcases work by diverse authors with longstanding engagement in Inner Asia.


Ariell Ahearn is a human geographer researching the spatial politics of development, environmental governance and mobile pastoralism. She is an academic activist, working closely with rural pastoralists and human rights NGOs in Mongolia to secure legal safeguards for herders facing forced eviction, destruction of cultural and spiritual sites and discrimination.

Gantlga Munkherdene is a Ph.D. candidate in Geography at the School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford. He is Executive Secretary of the Mongolian Anthropological Association. Prior to joining Oxford, he was Senior Lecturer in the Department of Anthropology and Archaeology, National University of Mongolia.

Takahiro Ozaki is a professor at Kagoshima University, Japan, specialising in anthropology and Inner Asian area studies, mainly using quantitative social research as a methodology. He carries out comparative study on changes in pastoral strategies in Outer and Inner Mongolian pastoral societies. His major work is a book on Pastoral Strategies in Modern Mongolia: Comparative Ethnography of Regime Transformation and Natural Disaster.

Troy Sternberg. Extensive travel has inspired Troy’s research on desert regions, environments and people. His Ph.D. focused on pastoral environments in the Gobi Desert. A geographer at the University of Oxford, he continues to explore desert themes through research in Mongolia, Central Asia and across global drylands. His publications, academic exchanges and the Oxford Desert Conference series highlight contemporary changes and challenges in dryland areas.


Table of contents to follow.

Publication date
ISBN 978-1-912186-91-4 (PB) £25
eISBN 978-1-912186-92-1 (Open Access eBook)

J. Pop.Sus. Vol.9 No.1

Spatial and temporal abstraction, individual agency and aggregate trends in population dynamics David Samways

In pursuit of sustainability: The root cause of human population growth Russell Hopfenberg

Population, consumption and climate colonialism Patrick Hassan

The Impact of Immigration Policy on future US population size Philip Cafaro

Theodore P. Lianos, Capitalism, degrowth and the steady state economy. Debating future economic models Anastasia Pseiridis

J. Pop.Sus. Vol.8 No.2

Population Dynamics, Economic Growth and Planetary Boundaries David Samways

Confronting the United Nations’ Pro-growth Agenda: A Call to Reverse Ecological Overshoot Nandita Bajaj, Eileen Crist, Kirsten Stade

Evaluation of Circular Srategies and their Effectiveness in Fashion SMEs in Ghana Akosua Mawuse Amankwah, Edward Appiah, Charles Frimpong, Aguinaldo Dos Santos

A Comparison of Mortality Transition in China and India, 1950–2021 Aalok Chaurasia

Groundwater: Sinking Cities, Urbanisation, Global Drying, Population Growth John E. Pattison, Peter Cooke

Heritage at War

Plan and Prepare

Mark Dunkley, Lisa Mol and Anna Tulliach (eds)

Culture in Crisis

The right of access to, and enjoyment of, cultural heritage is enshrined in human rights norms and the devastating effects of armed conflict on cultural heritage are well documented, with the deliberate destruction of cultural heritage having been an integral part of warfare throughout history. Culture now, once again, finds itself on war’s frontline Marking the 70th anniversary of the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, and in the current context of devastating conflicts in Ukraine, Gaza and Sudan, among others, Heritage at War – Plan and Prepare brings together military, academic,and heritage practitioners’ voices from across the Euro-Atlantic, North Africa and the Middle East and the Indo-Pacific to explore how lessons learned from past experiences of conflict can inform approaches to the safeguarding of cultural heritage today. Emerging from and building upon an international conference held at the V&A Museum in February 2023, the book addresses how the military, the heritage sector and other stakeholders in Human Security can, and must, collaborate to give primacy to people and protect tangible and intangible cultural heritage under attack. The volume’s case studies highlight interdisciplinary efforts to protect heritage in conflict zones, drawing out guidance for those working in the Heritage Sector in these contexts, with specific relevance to those engaged in cultural heritage protection and those working in related interdisciplinary fields. Reviewing the historic relationship between heritage and armed conflict, and offering lessons for present-day practitioners, Heritage at War shows how, in different contexts, heritage can be a catalyst and target of conflict, an obstacle to stabilisation, and yet also a potential vector of peace-building and the return to normality.

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Fully Open Access through the support of Knowledge Unlatched.


Mark Dunkley is a Visiting Fellow at Cranfield University, a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London and an Associate of the Security Institute. A Field Officer in the British Army Reserve, he has published widely on the relationship between culture and warfare and is co-editor of Cultural Heritage in Modern Conflict (2023).

Anna Tulliach is a Research Fellow in Museum Studies at the University of Leicester and an Associate Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. She has published extensively on the safekeeping of museum collections during conflict, art looting and vandalism in World War II, and the museological practices adopted between the two World Wars (1921–44).

Lisa Mol is an expert in heritage stone deterioration, in particular that associated with active combat, at the University of the West of England. She leads funded projects, including ‘Heritage in the Crossfire’ and ‘Partnership for Heritage’, and supports initiatives and colleagues in conflict zones in the documentation and remediation of damage to built heritage.


Tristram Hunt, Director – Victoria and Albert Museum

Peter Stone, UNESCO Chair in Cultural Property Protection and Peace – Newcastle University

Introduction: Heritage at War – Plan and Prepare
Mark Dunkley, Anna Tulliach and Lisa Mol

Part I: Learning from the Past

1. Rome and the Second Temple: Early Imperial Roman Attitudes Toward Cultural Heritage During Armed Conflict
Kevin Malmquist

2. Lessons from the Past: Land Warfare and Cultural Heritage in World War II Italy: The Role of the MFAA
Carlotta Coccoli

3. Cultural Property Protection Issues Past and Present: Current UK Approach and Delivery
Roger Curtis and Mark Dunkley

4. Challenges and Practices for Protecting Cultural Property in Armed Conflict: A Case Study of Korea
Chang-hun Yang

5. From Scientific iIvestigation to Evidence: Investigating Armed Conflict Damage to Immovable Heritage
Lisa Mol

Part II: Preparing for the Present

6. The Hague Convention and Beyond: Cultural Property Protection in the Netherlands
Ankie Petersen

7. Peace-time Preparations for a Museum Near the Occupation Line: NGO-led Efforts
Manana Tevzadze

8. On the Art Frontline: The Experience of French Conservation Officers in Protecting Cultural Property on Operations
Tim Le Berre

9. The Role of NGOs in Rescuing and Promoting Recovery for Cultural Heritage and Cultural Bearers in Times of Crisis and War
Amira Sadik Aly

10. Culture in Crisis – Supporting the World’s Cultural Heritage and Communities that Suffer Cultural Loss through Conflict
Vernon Rapley

Publication date, 15 October 2024; 200 pp.
ISBN 978-1-912186-86-0 (HB) £65
eISBN 978-1-912186-87-7 (eBook)

J. Pop.Sus. Vol.8 No.1

Public Understanding, Conflict and Power in the Population and Sustainability Nexus David Samways

Public Opinions about Causes of Declining Fertility in Developing Countries: Differences among Citizens in Sweden and Nigeria Frank Götmark, Nordhild Wetzler

Socio-Ecological Drivers of the Pastoralist–Farmer Conflict in Nigeria’s Mid-Benue Trough: Introducing the Ethnicity Dimension Chukwudi Njoku, Joel Efiong, Stefano Moncada

Contemporary Extinctions and Multispecies Thanatopolitics João Aldeia

Scientists’ Warning on the Problem with Overpopulation and Living Systems M. Lynn Lamoreux, Dorothy C. Bennett

Worldwide Waste Vol.6 No.1 (2023)

Confronting the Uncertainties Associated with Long-Time Scales: Analysis of the Modes of Preservation of Memory of Radioactive Waste Burial Sites Simon Calla, Christian Guinchard, Alexandre Moine, Nanta Novello-Paglianti, Laure Nuninger, Laetitia Ogorzelec-Guinchard

People in the Streets of Paris: ‘A Matter Out of Place’? Elen Riot

Preserving Offerings, Prolonging Merit: Efficacy, Skillful Means, and Re-purposing in Plastic Buddhist Material Culture in Contemporary Sikkim Amy Holmes-Tagchungdarpa

Waste for the Soviet Economy: Recycling of Rags in Ukraine in the 1920s Tetiana Perga

On the (In)visibility of Practices: Opportunities for the Promotion of Household Waste-Segregation in Western Switzerland Rolande Christelle Makamté Kakeu-Tardy, Hannah Howarth, Marlyne Sahakian, René Véro

Worldwide Waste Vol.5 No.1 (2022)

Plastic in Lake Titicaca: Tourism and Management of Non-Biodegradable Waste in the Andes Jordi Gascón

Standards and Waste: Valuing Food Waste in Consumer Markets Nadine Arnold

Joining Multiple Collaborations: Toward a Sociomaterial Perspective on Nuclear Waste Management between Society, Technology and Nature Christiane Schürkmann

Waste in Zero-Waste Households: The Power of Materials and Norms in Everyday Consumption Mallory Xinyu Zhan

Reshuffling Responsibility: Waste, Environmental Justice and Urban Citizenship in Cambodia Kathrin Eitel

Worldwide Waste Vol.4 No.1 (2021)

Introduction to Special Collection: Social Science and the Social Life of Plastic Brigitte Steger, Patrick O’hare, Teresa Sandra Perez

Problematising Plastic: A Visual Analysis of the ‘Jute not Plastic’ Campaign, 1976–1979 (Switzerland, Germany, Austria) Charlotte Bruns, Matthias Sommer

‘Drinking and Dropping’: On Interacting with Plastic Pollution and Waste in South-Eastern Nigeria Lesley Henderson, Emeka Dumbili

Cambridge, Carnaval, and the ‘Actually Existing Circularity’ of Plastics Patrick O’Hare

‘Stingy, Stingy, Stingy Government’: Mixed Responses to the Introduction of the Plastic Carrier Bag Levy in Japan Brigitte Steger

Piles of Plastic on Darkening Himalayan Peaks: Changing Cosmopolitics of ‘Pollution’ in Limi, Western Nepal Hildegard Diemberger, Samanta Skrivere

Plastic Mut(e)ability: Limited Promises of Plasticity Tridibesh Dey

Recycling Food Waste: An Investigation into the Delicate Process of Bio-waste Valuation François-Joseph Daniel, Marion Martin

The Discursive Power of Recycling: Valuing Plastic Waste in Cape Town Teresa Sandra Perez

Worldwide Waste Vol.3 No.1 (2020)

Editorial Introduction to the Special Collection ‘Dirty Places, Geographies of Waste’ Jaime Moreno-Tejada

A Deal over Dirt: From a German–German Bargain to the Creation of an Environmental Problem in the 1980s Sophie Lange

Secrecy at the End of the Recycling Chain: The Recycling of Plastic Waste in Surabaya, Indonesia Freek Colombijn

‘We Are Already Sick’: Infectious Waste Management and Inequality in the Time of Covid-19, a Reflection from Blantyre, Malawi Elizabeth Tilley, Marc Kalina

Cultural Origins of Japan’s Premodern Night Soil Collection System Marta E. Szczygiel

Shifting Definitions of Hazardous Wastes Craig Colten

Waste Pickers at the Heart of the Circular Economy: A Perspective of Inclusive Recycling from the Global South Jutta Gutberlet, Sebastián Carenzo

The Fluid Geography of Rubbish: An Analysis of the Patras Refugee Camp (1999–2009) Sotiris Lycourghiotis

Scarecrows and Scapegoats: The Futility and Power of Cleaning a Landscape Khalil Avi Betz-Heinemann, Joseph Tzanopoulos